
Research in the McKinnon group sits at the nexus of climate science and statistics. We are interested in questions that span the weather-climate divide, shed light on the interactions between natural variability and human-caused climate change, and link to downstream human and biological impacts.

  • 📌 Interested in joining the McKinnon group? I am recruiting for PhD students and post-docs! Head over to the Group page and scroll down to read about opportunities and openings.
  • September 2024: Dr. Talia Anderson has joined the group as a NOAA Climate and Global Change postdoctoral fellow. Welcome, Talia!
  • July 2024: Professor Karen McKinnon was awarded tenure!
  • June 2024: Graduate student Nathan Hwangbo was awarded the Donald Ylvisaker Award for the Best Practice of Statistics by the Department of Statistics and Data Science. Congratulations Nathan!
  • April 2024: We finally remembered to take a group photo! Although not during our (belated) pi day celebration when we only photographed the pies.
  • April 2024: Kyle McEvoy was selected for the 2024 LEAP Summer Momentum Fellowship and will be spending part of his summer in NYC developing methods to analyze climate model perturbed physics ensembles. Congratulations Kyle!
  • March 2024: Professor Karen McKinnon was selected for the NSF CAREER award. The grant will support research to better understand how and why summertime temperature extremes are changing with global warming. A summary of the project can be found here, and announcements from UCLA are here, here, and here.
  • February 2024: Nathan Hwangbo passed his oral qualifying exam. Congratulations Nathan!
  • February 2024: Kyle McEvoy passed his oral qualifying exam. Congratulations Kyle!
  • September 2023: Professor Karen McKinnon will be giving a virtual seminar open to the public on September 18 on Heat Extremes in a Warming World, hosted by the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center.
  • February 2023: Professor Karen McKinnon was selected as a 2023 Kavli Fellow by the National Academy of Sciences.
  • February 2023: Group alum Sam Baugh will be joining the Penn State Statistics Department as an assistant professor in the fall. Congratulations, Sam!
  • Older news

Group news